
This book offers thoughtful and detailed studies on several areas of concern for the individual Christian and the church at large. After showing the beauty...
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Besonderes Angebot zum 500. Geburtstag: Luther-Reiseführer für anstatt 9,95 nur noch für 5,99 €. Es gibt gute Gründe, auch das Heimatland einmal näher zu...
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A careful, readable examination of what the Bible actually says about jewelry
1-5 Tage

Who was this Jesus, this Man who died on the cross? That's the "supreme question of all time," says former Adventist Review editor William G. Johnsson...
1-5 Tage

A careful and dispassionate examination of every biblical passage related to homosexuality.
1-5 Tage

Evaluating new trends in the church. Novelty is now the measure of the Spirit's leading.
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Current attacks on the sanctuary and Ellen White take aim at the heart of Adventism. Clifford Goldstein responds in Graffiti in the Holy of Holies.
1-5 Tage

Quick Overview Does our reliance on the sacrifice of Christ lessen the importance of our pursuit of holiness? Is it possible to over emphasize the...
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God with us. They comprise, perhaps, the most profound assembly of three words in any language. They express the inexpressible sum of the Gospel. They...
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Whle the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical, its formulation took place in the early church in the context of defending the deity of Jesus. Biblical...
1-5 Tage

Although the Old Testament stresses monotheism, there are many texts that indicate that God exists in more than one person. Biblical Research Institute...
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The doctrine of the Trinity is at the core of the Christian message. The New Testament portrays the Godhead as a unity of three coeternal divine persons,...
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After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciate more than ever God's care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.
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After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciate more than ever God's care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.
1-5 Tage


After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciate more than ever God's care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.

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This book offers a readable access to Adventist missiology, not only describing it but showing how it developed, thereby turning its eyes away from the end...
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If you need help in revitalizing your Sabbaths and understanding the principles of Sabbath-keeping, this book is for you.
1-5 Tage

Twenty-eight scholars-all with strong ties to Europe-have contributed to this collection of inspiring, and at times challenging, essays as a "Festschrift" in honour of Dr. Jan Paulsen.
1-5 Tage

This comprehensive handbook on evangelism shows how appropriate strategies and personal preparation of both head and heart empower the Christian to lead people to accept Christ and prepare for His soon return.
1-5 Tage

Adventism has only one serious problem: TIME. Time that never stops. Time that moves on and on. All other challenges faced by the denomination flow out of...
1-5 Tage

Will Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? No area of Christianity has been subject to more misguided interpretation than prophecy. Millions of Christians sense we are nearing Jesus Christ's return. Yet when it comes to what the majority thinks will happen during Earth's last days, and what the Bible actually says will occur, the difference is seismic.
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To aid in the art of preaching, professor of preaching Mervyn A. Warren has constructed this landmark book. It includes an extensive collection of Ellen G. White’s practical wisdom on how to develop and present a powerful sermon.
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While Ellen White did not invent the term "servant leadership," she put it to practice in her own life.
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Effective Church Leadership contains a wealth of ideas, principles, and insights gleaned from the best leadership writings. Harris Lee asked 80...
1-5 Tage

Effective Church Leadership contains a wealth of ideas, principles, and insights gleaned from the best leadership writings. Harris Lee asked 80 leaders in...
1-5 Tage

Wie verlässlich sind die Berichte der Bibel ? Das hat sich Jacques Frei schon als junger Mann gefragt. Er studiert daraufhin Bücher über Geschichte...
1-5 Tage

Depression is reversible. It does not have to be tolerated as a life-long condition. There is a reason for hope; ther is a path to recovery - and this book can help you find that road to renewal and wellness.
1-5 Tage

What to do with Daniel 11? It is widely described as one of the most cryptic, complex texts in the Bible. Perhaps more than any other passage, it uses...
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We have held the strong conviction that God has called us to warn the world of what lies ahead. But what if our prophetic understanding is wrong? On the other hand, if it is correct, don't we have an enormous responsibility to tell the world what we believe?

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Building Strong Congregations contains the tools you need to make your congregation's ministry more effective. Worksheets after each chapter walk you through a step-by-step application of the material covered and help you put together a plan of action.
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Brad: Visionary Spiritual Leadership is part story, part theology, and part practices. It touches upon many significant issues facing the Seventh-day Adventist Church today.
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Seventh-day Adventist are committed to using Scripture alone as the foundation for our beliefs. Our theology is shaped by the biblical hermeneutics we...
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A significant contribution to the ecumenical discussion, Apostolic Succession considers the merits and demerits of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism through the writings of two outstanding twentieth-century ecclesiologists.
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Apologetics : Rethinking God was written for our chaotic times. Society is hotly debating morality, justice, existence, and more. Many people have...
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As David Marshall zeroes in on the end time crisis--Babylon, Armageddon, the Beast--you realize the inadequacy of the old preacher's summary of Revelation: "Jesus wins."
1-5 Tage

In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
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In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
1-5 Tage

The Andrews Bible Commentary is written by 60 leading biblical scholars from around the world. It is designed for new believers, experienced Bible...
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The Andrews Bible Commentary is written by 60 leading biblical scholars from around the world. It is designed for new believers, experienced Bible...
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Is America superior to the rest of the world? Pastor Dwight K. Nelson says no. And it is into this tension—that America is exceptional but not...
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Seventh-day world church President Ted N. C. Wilson has published his first book, a compilation of recent sermons on themes related to his call of...
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Militär, Zivildienst, Krieg, Wehrdienst, Gewaltlosigkeit, Gewaltverzicht, Pazifismus,

1-5 Tage

Were Seventh-day Adventists raised up to be prophets or proclaimers of the "sure word of prophecy"? What are the consequences of making bold predictions that never materialize? Where have we been right (and wrong) in the past?
1-5 Tage

This book is all about the sanctuary in the Bible. The reader is invited on a journey through sacred space into the very throne-room of the universe--the...
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Evangelism in Developing Areas
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Daniel and Revelation Committee Series -Volume 3
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What significance, if any does the year 1844 and the oft attacked events surrounding it have for Christian today? Is there a way to make sense of the confusing maze of beasts, dates, and kingdoms in Daniel?

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Festschrift für Gerhard Pfandl

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