
A Comparison of Ethical Systems
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Studies in Adventist Ecclesiology, vol. 2 This is the second volume of our projected three-volume set on the study of the nature of the...
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“The local church is the future of Adventism…” We are living in one of the fastest periods of change in human history and the local Adventist church is in...
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In Deutschland gibt es derzeit eine Diskussion über LGTBQ+ und im Speziellen zum Thema Homosexualität. Dieses Heft ist ein wichtiger Beitrag dazu....
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If women's ministries were a college course, this would be the textbook. The information included in just 96 pages will allow the reader to fully understand the importance of reaching the women in the church and community.
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Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration.
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In today’s world, no other part of the Bible inspires so much interest, speculation, sensationalism, and confusion as the book of Revelation. This seems...
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Adventists who have been looking for a book to give their friends with questions about our Adventist beliefs, will be glad to give to their friends this book, because it exposes false teachings and affirms biblical truths in a calm, dispassionate, and objective way.
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If you will commit to 90 days of worship, for one hour a day, you will indeed see changes you may have thought impossible.
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Rest and Redemption was first published by Andrews University Press in 1978, authored by a young scholar who many years later became the longest-serving...
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Intended for both scholar and layperson, this verse-by-verse commentary outlines the thematic architecture of the Apocalypse to illuminate the unified message of the book.
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Written by leading Adventist scholars from around the world, the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) provides lay members,...
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Written by leading Adventist scholars from around the world, the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) provides lay members,...
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The book of Genesis has been called “the most important book ever written.” As the first book of the Bible, it not only contains or anticipates all the...
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Written by leading Adventist scholars from around the world, the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary (SDAIBC) provides lay members,...
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Written by an Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, this commentary solves several longstanding problems.
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The Apocalypse Through Hebrew Eyes
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An increasing number of historical and archaeological finds made around the world have been classified as "out-of-place artifacts".
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Where do we go to find hope for the future and meaning on our lives? The Bible has the answer, and the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation will help us...
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Daniel and Revelation Committee - Volume 1
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Against the chatter of pop psychology and the latest list of must-have motivational habits, twenty Bible scholars and ministry professionals...
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279.00 249.00
This 8-volume set includes: The SDA Bible Commentary Vol. 1, Genesis to Deuteronomy (c. 1953, 1976, 1978) Vol. 2, Joshua to 2 Kings (c. 1953, 1976)...
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The encyclopedia was first published in the 1960s , revised in 1976, and revised again in 1996-- when the material expanded so much that it was divided...
1-5 Tage

The encyclopedia was first published in the 1960s , revised in 1976, and revised again in 1996-- when the material expanded so much that it was divided...
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This book is a practical guide for pastors, elders, volunteer youth leaders, parents, and others in the local church.
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Story Catcher is a book you’ll read to your children and share with your friends. Internationally-honored Seventh-day Adventist pastor Richard Duerksen...
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This pocket-sized Bible handbook (3 ½" x 7") is packed with information to assist you in studying the beautiful Christ-centered truths of the Bible with your friends and neighbors.
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Death of the sinner or a substitute is the result of sin. Therefore, the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus is at the center of the message of salvation....
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Daniel und Revelation Committee Series - Volume 6
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Daniel und Revelation Committee Series - Volume 7
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What is the foundation of theology?
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What is theology all about? In this long-awaited second volume of a multi-volume comprehensive theological system, Norman R. Gulley addresses the...
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Who are we and where are we going? What is a Christian Church? How will the church survive? How will Jesus return? How will the Cosmic Conflict end?...
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An Exegetical Study of this Human-Divine Covenant Pattern, Its New Testament Echoes, and Its Reception History throughout Scripture Focusing on the...
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Africa is a key nerve center of growth for the Seventh-day Adventist church in the world today. Growth here occurs in the context of ingrained traditions and...
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There are many theories about the millennium within the Christian community. Some believe it takes place before Jesus’ return, and some after. Some believe...
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What’s all the buzz about “Contemplative Prayer”? Sooner or later, almost everyone wants to get closer to God. This impulse seems to be...
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Day of the Dragon is both an unsettling and a faith-affirming look at how current events have set the stage for America's date with prophetic destiny.

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Biblical Research Institute Releases 8. The Emerging Church and Adventist Ecclesiology examines the theology of the movement and evaluates it from an...
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If God is good, why is there so much suffering and evil in this world? This is one of the issues addressed in this Festschrift in honor of Ángel Manuel...
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The Jews are only a fraction of 1 percent of the world's population. So why do they continue to occupy center stage in world affairs? An Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, attempts to unravel the mystery of Israel by taking a closer look at the scriptural evidence.
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Quick Overview "You hold our hearts in your hand right now, believe us. We know that it may look like a book, but this is no ordinary book. It is a labor...
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Discover in these pages the incredibly powerful prayer that enables God to change the world—through you.
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The inconsistency of profession and practice painfully evident in our denomination causes many to doubt the church\'s remnant status. Others see spiritual pride, hypocrisy, and arrogance in this claim to chosenness. What\'s the truth?

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From the opening lines of the Hebrew Bible to the last book of the canon of the Christian church, the Sabbath features prominently as a time of rest,...
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The Practical Significance of Christ´s Sacrifice and Priesthood What did Jesus accomplish for you by dying on the cross? What is He doing for you now?...
1-5 Tage

Why is Christ called “the Son of God”? Discover an answer so simple you’ll wonder why you never saw it before—and so beautiful it’ll take your breath...
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Do you ever worry that it’s too hard to keep God’s law and fear that you won’t be able to keep it well enough to be saved? Maybe you’re so convinced of your...
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