Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration.

Gut erhalten, ohne Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen.

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Successful lay Preaching has been written to help equip elders and other lay leaders to prepare and deliver interesting, inspiring talks and sermons. Also, pastors often long for such a tool to help rejuvenate their own preaching.

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This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach juniors basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
1-5 Tage

This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach juniors basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
1-5 Tage

This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach juniors basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
1-5 Tage

If women's ministries were a college course, this would be the textbook. The information included in just 96 pages will allow the reader to fully understand the importance of reaching the women in the church and community.
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These days any pre- or extramarital sexual relationship with someone of whose sexual history you have incomplete knowledge can be more than dangerous.
1-5 Tage

Have your children ever asked questions about the Time of Trouble, or why we go to church on Sabbath when so many of their Christian friends go on Sunday?
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Nostalgic tales of monkey mischief. Told and adapted by the late Ernest Lloyd for Our Little Friend¸ Monkey Tales is a classic collection of short stories...
1-5 Tage

Revive Us Again
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Do you believe what Jesus preached? If you accept that He was actually who He claimed to be, you should! Jesus ignored human traditions and presented...
1-5 Tage


Spannend dargestellter und animierter Dokumentar-/Spielfilm, moderiert von dem bekannten Fernsehprediger Doug Batchelor.

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Welche Gesetze regeln unser Leben und was hat der Glaube an Jesus mit Gesundheit zu tun? Egal ob gesund oder krank, dieses Werk vermittelt...
1-5 Tage

Trăim vremuri deosebite. Evenimentele din lumea noastră cer ca fiecare urmaș al lui Hristos să aibă o relație profundă cu Dumnezeu. Pentru a...
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Domnul Hristos, Marele Învățător, a prezentat multe din învățăturile Sale în timp ce Se plimba împreună cu ucenicii pe dealurile și prin văile...
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Prezentul volum constituie o contribuție inestimabilă la literatura despre temperanță. Predicile despre temperanță, aflate în Anexe, relevă povara...
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This wonderfully illustrated chapter book will keep young, confident readers glued to every page. Giant Boots is an exciting allegory dealing with the...
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Englische Verteil-Version mit dem Cover der deutschen Ausgabe. «The Great Controversy» carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to...
1-5 Tage

Portugiesische Verteil-Version mit dem Cover der deutschen Ausgabe. Este livro revela, à luz do que é visível na História, a batalha invisível entre o...
1-5 Tage

Spanische Verteil-Version mit dem Cover der deutschen Ausgabe. El gran conflicto ha terminado. Ya no hay más pecado ni pecadores. Todo el universo está...
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Verteilausgabe: Dieser fünfte Band der italienischen Serie „Il gran conflitto“ liefert einen eindrucksvollen Abriss der Geschichte des christlichen...
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Kurze Beschreibung
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Die Autorin zeigt einen völlig neuen und überraschenden Weg im Umgang mit Kindern – Führung durch den Heiligen Geist!
1-5 Tage

Überlegungen zu einer biblischen Typologie
1-5 Tage