
Brad: Visionary Spiritual Leadership is part story, part theology, and part practices. It touches upon many significant issues facing the Seventh-day Adventist Church today.
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This pocket-sized Bible handbook (3 ½" x 7") is packed with information to assist you in studying the beautiful Christ-centered truths of the Bible with your friends and neighbors.
1-5 Tage

If you need help in revitalizing your Sabbaths and understanding the principles of Sabbath-keeping, this book is for you.
1-5 Tage

While Ellen White did not invent the term "servant leadership," she put it to practice in her own life.
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Adventists who have been looking for a book to give their friends with questions about our Adventist beliefs, will be glad to give to their friends this book, because it exposes false teachings and affirms biblical truths in a calm, dispassionate, and objective way.
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If women's ministries were a college course, this would be the textbook. The information included in just 96 pages will allow the reader to fully understand the importance of reaching the women in the church and community.
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Effective Church Leadership contains a wealth of ideas, principles, and insights gleaned from the best leadership writings. Harris Lee asked 80...
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A Comparison of Ethical Systems
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What significance, if any does the year 1844 and the oft attacked events surrounding it have for Christian today? Is there a way to make sense of the confusing maze of beasts, dates, and kingdoms in Daniel?

1-5 Tage

The phenomenal success of the book The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, has amazed Christians not only in America but around the world.
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What is the foundation of theology?
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We have held the strong conviction that God has called us to warn the world of what lies ahead. But what if our prophetic understanding is wrong? On the other hand, if it is correct, don't we have an enormous responsibility to tell the world what we believe?

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Intended for both scholar and layperson, this verse-by-verse commentary outlines the thematic architecture of the Apocalypse to illuminate the unified message of the book.
1-5 Tage

What is theology all about? In this long-awaited second volume of a multi-volume comprehensive theological system, Norman R. Gulley addresses the...
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Festschrift für Gerhard Pfandl

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A significant contribution to the ecumenical discussion, Apostolic Succession considers the merits and demerits of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism through the writings of two outstanding twentieth-century ecclesiologists.
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In this investigation tracing a history of the exegesis of Daniel 8 from about 1700 to 1800, Nunez points out the differing interpretations of the animal symbols.
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This book deals with the inspiration of Scripture
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Will Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? No area of Christianity has been subject to more misguided interpretation than prophecy. Millions of Christians sense we are nearing Jesus Christ's return. Yet when it comes to what the majority thinks will happen during Earth's last days, and what the Bible actually says will occur, the difference is seismic.
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Daniel and Revelation Committee - Volume 1
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Daniel and Revelation Committee Series -Volume 3
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Daniel und Revelation Committee Series - Volume 6
1-5 Tage

The Apocalypse Through Hebrew Eyes
1-5 Tage

Evangelism in Developing Areas
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