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Life’s always more complicated than you expect it to be. It’s been that way since the beginning. Scientific theories that present simple answers to the age-old question "Where did I come from" usually prove inadequate.

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Supernatural Forces are Mustering for Earth's Last Battle. In his typical research style the author sets the stage for the last great conflict and provides confidence for victory in the power of Christ.

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Description - New King James Version Bible text. - About 700 articles prepared by more than 80 scholars, presenting the best that biblical archaeology...
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A significant contribution to the ecumenical discussion, Apostolic Succession considers the merits and demerits of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism through the writings of two outstanding twentieth-century ecclesiologists.
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Apologetics : Rethinking God was written for our chaotic times. Society is hotly debating morality, justice, existence, and more. Many people have...
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As David Marshall zeroes in on the end time crisis--Babylon, Armageddon, the Beast--you realize the inadequacy of the old preacher's summary of Revelation: "Jesus wins."
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In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
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In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
1-5 Tage