Systematische Theologie

Apologetics : Rethinking God was written for our chaotic times. Society is hotly debating morality, justice, existence, and more. Many people have...
1-5 Tage

A significant contribution to the ecumenical discussion, Apostolic Succession considers the merits and demerits of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism through the writings of two outstanding twentieth-century ecclesiologists.
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Adventism has only one serious problem: TIME. Time that never stops. Time that moves on and on. All other challenges faced by the denomination flow out of...
1-5 Tage

God with us. They comprise, perhaps, the most profound assembly of three words in any language. They express the inexpressible sum of the Gospel. They...
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Current attacks on the sanctuary and Ellen White take aim at the heart of Adventism. Clifford Goldstein responds in Graffiti in the Holy of Holies.
1-5 Tage

Evaluating new trends in the church. Novelty is now the measure of the Spirit's leading.
1-5 Tage

A careful, readable examination of what the Bible actually says about jewelry
1-5 Tage

A Comparison of Ethical Systems
1-5 Tage

Studies in Adventist Ecclesiology, vol. 2 This is the second volume of our projected three-volume set on the study of the nature of the...
1-5 Tage

In Deutschland gibt es derzeit eine Diskussion über LGTBQ+ und im Speziellen zum Thema Homosexualität. Dieses Heft ist ein wichtiger Beitrag dazu....
1-5 Tage

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Adventists who have been looking for a book to give their friends with questions about our Adventist beliefs, will be glad to give to their friends this book, because it exposes false teachings and affirms biblical truths in a calm, dispassionate, and objective way.
1-5 Tage

What is the foundation of theology?
1-5 Tage