Review and Herald Publishings

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As David Marshall zeroes in on the end time crisis--Babylon, Armageddon, the Beast--you realize the inadequacy of the old preacher's summary of Revelation: "Jesus wins."
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Supernatural Forces are Mustering for Earth's Last Battle. In his typical research style the author sets the stage for the last great conflict and provides confidence for victory in the power of Christ.

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Death is a part of life . . . People have been trying to comprehend death for millennia-nearly every culture known to humanity...
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This little guide outlines an easy Bible marking system that chain-references texts for 38 different topics. Using only your Bible, you can share the life-changing answers to questions about important spiritual matters. Additional notes are included to help you explain difficult or complex subjects.
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Building Strong Congregations contains the tools you need to make your congregation's ministry more effective. Worksheets after each chapter walk you through a step-by-step application of the material covered and help you put together a plan of action.
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