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How does the rest of the Bible relate to Genesis 1 and 2? Do the various biblical authors portray creation theologies that align or diverge? In this volume,...
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Is there a place where you can TRULY find the meaning of life and the path to eternity? Is there a message that contains the truth, the whole truth, and...
1-5 Tage

The book provides Adventist answers to more than one hundred questions about the Bible and difficult Bible texts.
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This though-provoking discussion challenges those who call themselves “God’s people”.
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George R. Knight examines provocative questions in this insightful book.
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Much is at stake in evangelical Christian theology when considering “the covenants”—Old Testament and New Testament.
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Popular claims about the old and new covenants have diminished the gospel and narrowed the faith and spiritual life of millions of Christians. Those claims have introduced confusion about what it truly means to “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
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This book deals with the inspiration of Scripture
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As David Marshall zeroes in on the end time crisis--Babylon, Armageddon, the Beast--you realize the inadequacy of the old preacher's summary of Revelation: "Jesus wins."
1-5 Tage

Were Seventh-day Adventists raised up to be prophets or proclaimers of the "sure word of prophecy"? What are the consequences of making bold predictions that never materialize? Where have we been right (and wrong) in the past?
1-5 Tage

Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy.
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