Much is at stake in evangelical Christian theology when considering “the covenants”—Old Testament and New Testament. Theologically, how do we align the concerns of a popular conservative Christian culture that may rightly worry about the place of the Ten Commandments in the public square with a message that often seems to stress that those same commandments have all been nailed to the cross?
Is it all really so simple as “Old Testament = law” versus “New Testament = grace?” Between whom are these two covenants made? How are the two covenants the same? And ultimately, are they really different?
These are not new questions in reformed theology and among evangelicals. But their answers are best found, not in the traditions of theological interpretation, but in a careful Scriptural analysis of salvation history itself.
Thus, in this important new contribution to covenant theology, Seventh-day Adventist scholar Hans LaRondelle chronologically traces through salvation history the footsteps of the Creator Redeemer in progressively revealing His covenant promises and His judgments. From a “redemption-historical” perspective, based on careful exegesis, the author outlines the unity and continuity of God’s covenants with His chosen people.
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