Ellen G. White

Drawn from thousands of articles, her words of encouragement, guidance, and caution will inspire you to an ever closer walk with God.
1-5 Tage

Că familia se dezintegrează este o realitate pe care puțini o mai neagă, așa că dovezile suplimentare sunt inutile. De fapt, aproape că se...
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A collection of 18 readings written between 1881 and1902 on the topic of salvation.

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In 1992 the trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate, in cooperation with Pacific Press Publishing Association, released a new compilation of Ellen White...
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Într-un domeniu de o asemenea importanță, cum este experiența poporului lui Dumnezeu în ultimele zile care ne stau în față, când fiecare va trebui să...
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Des éclairages inspirés sur les événements qui précèdent le retour du Christ.
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"Colportorii trebuie să meargă în diferite părți ale țării. Însemnătatea acestei lucrări este egală cu cea de propovăduire. Pentru...
1-5 Tage

Evanghelizarea, însăși inima creștinismului, este un subiect de o importanță principală pentru aceia care sunt chemați să vestească ultima...
1-5 Tage

This comprehensive handbook on evangelism shows how appropriate strategies and personal preparation of both head and heart empower the Christian to lead people to accept Christ and prepare for His soon return.
1-5 Tage

Ce livre fait plus qu’énoncer les principes directeurs qui inspirent l’œuvre du prédicateur et de toute personne soucieuse de répondre à l’appel de Jesus-Christ.
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Selten sind die dem Thema „Erziehung“ gewidmeten Bücher, die sich so breiter Leserschaft erfreuen oder die die Herausforderungen der Zeit so gut...
1-5 Tage

ISBN-Nummer nicht sicher.
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Previously unreleased material from her letters and manuscripts in the files of the Ellen G. White Estate.

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Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
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El Conflicto de los Siglos (The Great Controversy), unveils the often unseen battle between Christ and Satan, and looks ahead to the day sin’s reign will end, and Jesus will rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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