Ellen G. White

In 1892 classic, revised and enlarged in 1915, is a prized handbook of instruction for ministers and other gospel workers.
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The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection.

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The conflict between righteousness and the forces of evil is the subject of this special compilation.
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Seventh-day Adventists find a great number of promises they know are of God in the writings of Ellen G. White. A few of the hundreds in those writings are brought together here.
1-5 Tage

Discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. Jesus is the Friend of all, and this friendship Edition validates that message visually as well as in the words of this inspirational best seller.
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Ce magnifique commentaire du "Sermon sur la montagne" de Jésus mérite de se trouver dans la bibliothèque de chaque croyant.
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Das Leben Jesu auf griechisch.

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Cet ouvrage éclaire de façon étonnante le passé, le présent et l’avenir, tout en exposant le plan de Dieu pour l’humanité.
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The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection.

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Volume 2, Prophets and Kings, traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them.

1-5 Tage

This call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning will be invaluable to ministers, teachers, church leaders, and others interested in soul winning.
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Auch heute noch werden wir mit den gleichen Problemen, Gefahren und Gelegenheiten konfrontiert, denen die Gemeinde damals zu begegnen hatte.
1-5 Tage

In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness.
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In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables o f Christ as they apply to the life today.

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Ellen White’s choicest writings about heaven and the Second Coming Some of Ellen White’s earliest visions contained bright glimpses of heaven and the...
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Mit prophetischem Scharfblick werden in diesem fünften und letzten Band der Serie die tieferen Zusammenhänge im Kampf zwischen Wahrheit und Irrtum, Licht und Finsternis aufgezeigt

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Das Leben Jesu - Spanisch
1-5 Tage

Jesus’ admonition to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19, NIV) resonates in the hearts of those who love Him supremely....
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Band fünf der fünfbändigen Serie "Die Geschichte der Hoffnung" liefert einen eindrucksvollen Abriss der Geschichte des christlichen Abendlandes bis zur...
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Am Ende triumphiert die Liebe Gottes Das Buch „Die Geschichte der Erlösung“ von der begnadeten Autorin Ellen Gould White ist ein Buch, das für...
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Viele Menschen sehnen sich nach einem besseren Leben, nach Geborgenheit und Liebe, begründeter Hoffnung und Frieden mit ihren Mitmenschen - und mit...
1-5 Tage

These volumes of counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy contain spiritual comment of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church during her time.
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Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel's King David.

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Dieses Buch präsentiert einen eindrucksvollen Abriss der Geschichte des christlichen Abendlandes.
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9.90 5.49
Neue Ausgabe mit dem aktuellen Text. Diese Ausgabe wurde durch viele Spenden möglich. Die Einnahmen werden für ein neues Missionsbuch von Ellen...
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A practical guide to living for teens, this classic book has stood the test of time.

1-5 Tage

Band vier der fünfbändigen Serie "Die Geschichte der Hoffnung" nimmt uns hinein in die ereignisreiche Zeit des frühen Christentums. Die Apostel von Jesus...
1-5 Tage

A mirror turned away from the sun cannot reflect the sun’s rays. And a human being turned away from God’s Son cannot reflect His love to others.
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Auch heute noch werden wir mit den gleichen Problemen, Gefahren und Gelegenheiten konfrontiert, denen die Gemeinde damals zu begegnen hatte.
1-5 Tage

During her 70 years of ministry Ellen G. White wrote more than 5,000 articles on a wide variety of subjects. The unique collection in this book includes...
1-5 Tage

Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
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Im Buch "Heilkräfte des Glaubens - Der Sieg der Liebe" wird in einzigartiger Schönheit die Person und das Wirken des Jesus von Nazareth beschrieben....
1-5 Tage