
Muslims and Christians share the conviction that Jesus Christ (Al-Masīh ‘Īsā Ibn Maryam) is in heaven, underscoring how much we should respect Him by...
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Today events seem to be spiraling out of control as never before. The evening news often presents a picture of a confused world filled with mindless...
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This book offers a readable access to Adventist missiology, not only describing it but showing how it developed, thereby turning its eyes away from the end...
1-5 Tage

Jesus’ admonition to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19, NIV) resonates in the hearts of those who love Him supremely....
1-5 Tage

Inspirational true stories from the African continent which illustrate the truth and reliability of Bible promises. Five volume, hardback set. Vol. 1 64...
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How much would you pay to learn the secrets to lifelong health and wellness? Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life shows you...
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Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him...
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Evangelism is Heaven's top priority. Nothing is more important to God. For He "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of...
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The church begins to grow. The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in volume 4 of the Conflict of the Ages series.
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In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness.
1-5 Tage


Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel\\\'s King David.

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Seventh-day Adventist faith is something worth saying, doing and being. 28 Stories will help you find and explore these treasures of faith, experiencing and...
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