
Ellen White challenges the reader with the story of Jesus, His life and teaching and the events that ended in His death at the hands of resentful...
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A battle is raging. On one side is God and good. On the other side is the devil and evil. Much of the activity is off-stage. What occurs on the stage of...
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Englische Verteil-Version mit dem Cover der deutschen Ausgabe. «The Great Controversy» carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to...
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From the front lines of the world's vast urban mission fields come real-life stories of sacrifice, creativity, and redemption. On street corners,...
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Have you ever been lost? Maybe you’ve faced a crossroad in life with no idea which way to go. Possibly you’ve taken a wrong turn and nothing looks...
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“The local church is the future of Adventism…” We are living in one of the fastest periods of change in human history and the local Adventist church is in...
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John Nevins Andrews has been one of the most celebrated of Adventist pioneer leaders because of his ground-breaking ventures on behalf of Adventist...
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Our church is dying. We’re stagnant. We’re not growing. We need revival. These statements reflect the sentiments of numerous church members in the North...
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Life is good for some people. Their struggles are minor, their worries manageable. For the most part, they enjoy what life serves up. But what...
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Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him...
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“When we go into combat, Doss, you’re not comin’ back alive. I’m gonna shoot you myself!” The men of the 77th Infantry Division couldn’t fathom why Private...
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Selections from the Messiah that take the reader from Jesus' birth, early life, and ministry to the closing scenes of His life on earth. A great way to...
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