Ellen G. White

Mächtiger Erlöser, guter Hirte, großer Bruder, treuer Freund: Wer ist Jesus für dich? Wie nennst du unseren Schöpfer am liebsten? Ellen White fand...
1-5 Tage

Ellen White challenges the reader with the story of Jesus, His life and teaching and the events that ended in His death at the hands of resentful...
1-5 Tage

The Message of Daniel For You and Your Family. A best-selling classic in two volumes,  God Cares , contains research on the fascinating...
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This daily devotional book has been compiled largely from unpublished and out-of-print Spirit of Prophecy materials and consists of Ellen G. White comments...
1-5 Tage

A battle is raging. On one side is God and good. On the other side is the devil and evil. Much of the activity is off-stage. What occurs on the stage of...
1-5 Tage

Drawing on the Bible’s accounts,  Story of Hope  offers a glimpse behind history’s curtain. It reveals the origin of evil, some of the ways God...
1-5 Tage

After a historical and theological introduction to the topic, this book’s seven chapters speak about the centrality of the gospel, the Creator God, the...
1-5 Tage

This daily devotional classic is a call to holiness and a primer in the Christian virtues. Ellen White warns against pitfalls along the Christian...
1-5 Tage

After a historical and theological introduction to the topic, this book’s seven chapters speak about the centrality of the gospel, the Creator God, the...
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In einzigartiger Schönheit wird die Person und das Wirken des Jesus von Nazareth nacherzählt. Angefangen bei der Geburt in Bethlehem, über sein öffentliches...
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Englische Verteil-Version mit dem Cover der deutschen Ausgabe. «The Great Controversy» carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to...
1-5 Tage

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