
Seventh-day Adventist faith is something worth saying, doing and being. 28 Stories will help you find and explore these treasures of faith, experiencing and...
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In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
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In Angels and the Unseen Conflict Elder Mansell traces the role of angels in the invisible battle for the souls of men by means of statements from the inspired writings of the Bible and pen of Ellen White.
1-5 Tage

Thousands of questions about Bible topics are answered with Scripture texts.
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Daniel and Revelation Committee Series - Volume 5
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The doctrine of the Trinity is at the core of the Christian message. The New Testament portrays the Godhead as a unity of three coeternal divine persons,...
1-5 Tage

Although the Old Testament stresses monotheism, there are many texts that indicate that God exists in more than one person. Biblical Research Institute...
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Whle the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical, its formulation took place in the early church in the context of defending the deity of Jesus. Biblical...
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A biblical study on human nature and destiny
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The book provides Adventist answers to more than one hundred questions about the Bible and difficult Bible texts.
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Adventists who have been looking for a book to give their friends with questions about our Adventist beliefs, will be glad to give to their friends this book, because it exposes false teachings and affirms biblical truths in a calm, dispassionate, and objective way.
1-5 Tage

SOTERIOLOGY. THE STUDY OF SALVATION. God’s salvation of humanity, as presented in the Scriptures, will always be the highest, most sublime, and more...
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