
A Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy Compilation Designed to Respond to that Most Important Question
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This book examines what it means to be human, the nature of death, hell, and human destiny, from biblical and theological perspectives.
1-5 Tage

The author takes a close look at the secret rapture theory and explores what the Bible really teaches about Christ's coming.
1-5 Tage

Full text: Did you know that the very first war ever fought is recorded to have taken place in the unlikeliest place? The Bible tells us that “there...
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The concepts and opinions within are from Jonas Arrais’ observations and experiences. They are a firsthand look into the window of a pastor’s heart and soul....
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Here is an intimate glimpse into Ellen White's personal life--her joys and struggles as a wife, mother, friend, and Christian.

1-5 Tage

What a preacher! His resonant voice could best a thunderstorm. Known for his wisdom, his vice was overwork.
1-5 Tage

The Relationship Between the Prophet and Her Son.
1-5 Tage

Die wirksame Verkündigung der frohen Botschaft. Wir befinden uns in der Endphase der Weltgeschichte, und die Verkündigung der Adventbotschaft soll zu einem lauten Ruf anwachsen.
1-5 Tage


Dissertation. Musvosvi investigates the theological motif of vengeance in the light of its ancient Near Eastern and Old Testament backgrounds.

1-5 Tage

The first Valuegenesis report provided a wealth of valuable information when it was released more than 10 years ago.
1-5 Tage