Die Zeiten, in denen wir leben, sind grundverschieden von allem, was wir bisher erlebt haben. Führende Personen unseres Landes,...
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Die Zeiten, in denen wir leben, sind grundverschieden von allem, was wir bisher erlebt haben. Führende Personen unseres Landes,...
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Hartpappe, sehr stabil. Eignet sich sehr gut für öffentliche Standorte. In das Fach passen ca. 50 GLOW-Flyer. Die Zeiten, in denen...
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Full text: It is peace that you need—Heaven's forgiveness and peace and love in the soul. Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot procure it, wisdom...
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Full text: Being healthy means more than just not being sick. Good health is life lived at your full potential-physically, mentally, socially, and...
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Full text: Michael Jackson's untimely death on June 25, 2009 shocked the world. At his July 7 memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angeles,...
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Full text: Did you know that the very first war ever fought is recorded to have taken place in the unlikeliest place? The Bible tells us that “there...
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Full text: What on Earth is Going On? You have probably noticed that Planet Earth appears to be ripping apart at the seams...
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Full text: It used to be that television stations would play the national anthem and sign off sometime after midnight. No more. These...
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Full text: Isaac Newton, known for making many groundbreaking discoveries in science, mathematics, and astronomy, is in fact,...
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Full text: Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we...
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Full text: Joel and Mark were two friends with very different beliefs. Joel believed in God as the all–Sovereign King that created...
1-5 Tage

Full text: For most people, hell is simply one of a few four letter words, which they hear on a daily basis in the rage of...
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Joël et Marc étaient des amis aux croyances totalement différentes. Joël croyait que Dieu était ce Roi entièrement souverain qui était à l’origine de la...
1-5 Tage

Text: Преждевременная смерть Майкла Джексона 25. июня 2009 потрясла весь мир. На похоронах 7. июля в Staples Center в Лос-Анджелесе актриса Брук...
1-5 Tage

Text: День и ночь – приёмные часы! Тот Кто молится, открывает своё сердце Богу как другу. Не потому, что Богу неизвестно, кто мы...
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