
Especially conceived and developed for Pathfinders, this Bible has the following features: 48 pages inserted before the Bible text with specific...
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A study bible with EGW comments and index/referneces to the Spirit of Prophecy. Study Bible with E G White comments. - Full Bible text (King James Version)...
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This wonderfully illustrated chapter book will keep young, confident readers glued to every page. Giant Boots is an exciting allegory dealing with the...
1-5 Tage

Since writing Incredible Answers to Prayer Roger Morneau has received hundreds of letters and phone calls from people eager to share how God has blessed...
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Especially conceived and developed for today's women in conjunction with the General Conference Women's Ministries Department, this New King James...
1-5 Tage

Especially conceived and developed for today's women in conjunction with the General Conference Women's Ministries Department, this New King James...
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Especially conceived and developed for today's women in conjunction with the General Conference Women's Ministries Department, this New King James...
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Recorded 'live off the floor' in the iconic Psalter Studios in Sydney, Australia; this live album from Eric and Monique features piano, vocal and string...
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Who was this Jesus, this Man who died on the cross? That's the "supreme question of all time," says former Adventist Review editor William G. Johnsson...
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This book offers thoughtful and detailed studies on several areas of concern for the individual Christian and the church at large. After showing the beauty...
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Death of the sinner or a substitute is the result of sin. Therefore, the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus is at the center of the message of salvation....
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Although the Old Testament stresses monotheism, there are many texts that indicate that God exists in more than one person. Biblical Research Institute...
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The doctrine of the Trinity is at the core of the Christian message. The New Testament portrays the Godhead as a unity of three coeternal divine persons,...
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Whle the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical, its formulation took place in the early church in the context of defending the deity of Jesus. Biblical...
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If God is good, why is there so much suffering and evil in this world? This is one of the issues addressed in this Festschrift in honor of Ángel Manuel...
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Are you a soul shaper? Shaping young minds-coaxing fledglings to fly-is the most complex job in the world. In this volume Jim Roy offers a new model for...
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