Ellen G. White

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The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection.

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Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel's King David.

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The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in Volume 4, The Acts of the Apostles.

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Volume 2, Prophets and Kings, traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them.

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In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables o f Christ as they apply to the life today.

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Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion.

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The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection.

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The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection.

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Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion.

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The author offers inspired advice on an often-neglected factor in religion: how to eat for optimum health.

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Daily devotionals. This fresh compilation calls us into deeper fellowship with God and equips us for the journey. Clustering around a different theme each month, each devotional is a moment with the Master--another step in an ever-sweeter journey with Jesus.
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This call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning will be invaluable to ministers, teachers, church leaders, and others interested in soul winning.
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The author provides inspired instruction on the qualifications of a teacher, appropriate attitudes, methods of teaching, discipline, gaining respect, encouraging generosity, meeting controversy, and many other practical topics.
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This volume shares Mrs. White’s counsels on the use of the voice in conversing, teaching, speaking, preaching, and singing.
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More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime.
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Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration.
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Der erste Band dieses fünfteiligen Begleiters durch die Bibel behandelt in einmaliger Klarheit die Grundfragen des Menschseins, wie sie die Mosesbücher offenlegen.
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Die faszinierenden Zusammenhänge, die in diesem zweiten Band der Serie aufgedeckt werden, bleiben bis heute beispielhaft und richtungsweisend.
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Die bewegte und ereignisreiche Zeit des frühen Christentums wird in diesem vierten Band der Serie "Orientierungshilfen" lebendig geschildert.
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Mit prophetischem Scharfblick werden in diesem fünften und letzten Band der Serie die tieferen Zusammenhänge im Kampf zwischen Wahrheit und Irrtum, Licht und Finsternis aufgezeigt

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Dieses Buch ist Band 1 der Reihe "Der Mensch im kosmischen Konflikt": Die Menschheit ist in einen universalen Konflikt zwischen den Mächten des Bösen und des Guten hineingeraten.
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Ce magnifique commentaire du "Sermon sur la montagne" de Jésus mérite de se trouver dans la bibliothèque de chaque croyant.
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Y a-t-il encore de l'espoir pour l'humanité au seuil du troisième millénaire ? Pourquoi y a-t-il tellement de douleur à la surface de la terre ? Quel avenir attend notre malheureuse planète ? Existe-t-il une vie après la mort ? Des milliers de personnes se posent ces questions fondamentales et bien d'autres encore !
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