Ellen G. White

The church begins to grow. The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in volume 4 of the Conflict of the Ages series.
1-5 Tage

Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration.

Gut erhalten, ohne Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen.

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This book includes valuable information on investigative judgment and will appeal to those interested in the heavenly sanctuary and Jesus' ministry in the inner compartment. A valuable asset to any Adventist library.
1-5 Tage


Das Leben Jesu auf griechisch.

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Christ`s object lessons auf griechisch
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Der Weg zu Christus auf griechisch
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Propheten und Könige auf griechisch.
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Patriachen und Propheten auf griechisch.
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Wichtiges Buch zur Gesundheitsarbeit der Adventgemeinde. Ellen G. White ruft in ihren Büchern, in Artikeln und Manuskripten die Adventisten eindringlich...
1-5 Tage

Dieses Buch präsentiert einen eindrucksvollen Abriss der Geschichte des christlichen Abendlandes.
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Dieses Buch präsentiert einen eindrucksvollen Abriss der Geschichte des christlichen Abendlandes.
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La vie de Jésus-Christ racontée. Pas celle de l’homme barbu et fluet dont notre culture transmet l’image empoussiérée.
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Les Témoignages pour l'Église renferment un trésor de messages adressés à des individus, à l'Église en général, ou qui concernent des situations particulières.
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Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better.
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Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
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El Conflicto de los Siglos (The Great Controversy), unveils the often unseen battle between Christ and Satan, and looks ahead to the day sin’s reign will end, and Jesus will rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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