Andrews University Press

Andrews University Press is an academic publishing authority operating under the auspices of Andrews University, located in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Now with some 90 titles in print, the Press publishes and distributes books, journals, papers and films that make a scholarly and/or professional contribution to their respective fields and are in harmony with the mission of Andrews University. Publication emphases include such areas as biblical archaeology, biblical studies, religion, education, faith and learning, and selected areas of science. The Press also occasionally publishes non-academic materials under other imprints.

Dissertation. Musvosvi investigates the theological motif of vengeance in the light of its ancient Near Eastern and Old Testament backgrounds.

1-5 Tage

The Relationship Between the Prophet and Her Son.
1-5 Tage

An ad hoc committe on hermeneutics and ordination from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary provides thoughtful answers to good questions
1-5 Tage