Kinder / Jugend

Richly illustrated and beautifully written, these fine, hardcover books in English are definitely the premium set of Bible stories for younger children....
1-5 Tage

All 315 songs from Little Voices Praise Him played through twice, with piano, guitar and many other instruments, by Susan La Rosa Maehre. Two stanzas...
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Thousands of adults have become acquainted with Jesus through the book Steps to Christ . Now, through stories based on these topics, young children can...
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The Illustrated Bible is a good way to bring kids, as well as adults, to a personal encounter with Jesus. – It is a complete edition of the Holy...
1-5 Tage

Especially conceived and developed for Pathfinders, this Bible has the following features: 48 pages inserted before the Bible text with specific...
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Inspirational true stories from the African continent which illustrate the truth and reliability of Bible promises. Five volume, hardback set. Vol. 1 64...
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New for the GraceLink curriculum-a delightful collection of 315 songs. All of the old favorites are here, along with lots of new music. This is the official songbook for the beginner/kindergarten Sabbath school curriculum
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Quick Overview "You hold our hearts in your hand right now, believe us. We know that it may look like a book, but this is no ordinary book. It is a labor...
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The first Valuegenesis report provided a wealth of valuable information when it was released more than 10 years ago.
1-5 Tage

More than a hundred years ago, Ellen G. White penned The Desire of Ages, a classic volume on the life of Jesus that has been a source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world.
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This volume offers counsel on many facets of home life: choosing a mate, child disciplines, grandparents, holidays, hospitality, moral standards, divorce, and living with an unbelieving spouse.
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The reader will find in these pages insights to guide not only parents, students, and teachers, but all who seek true education in the great school of life.

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Dr. Kay Kuzma answers the question \"Is there really a way to know if someone is right for you?\"
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Are you a soul shaper? Shaping young minds-coaxing fledglings to fly-is the most complex job in the world. In this volume Jim Roy offers a new model for...
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David Gates lay awake at night agonizing about the $1.4 million due in a short time. Had they been wrong to write the check knowing that there was no money yet to cover it?
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Parenting Your Child by the Spirit is the second in a four-book series by Sally Hohnberger that teaches child-rearing principles from the context of personal time spent with Jesus.
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Life in Gentry County looks ideal on the surface . . . but as shocking secrets are exposed, a battle line is drawn, and everyone is forced to choose a side.
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Counsel is given on conducting a school, with special attention to subject matter, discipline, and objectives to be emphasized.
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Help your children develop Christian virtues “ Add to your  faith   virtue ; and to virtue  knowledge ; And to knowledge ...
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David Gates lay awake at night agonizing about the $1.4 million due in a short time. Had they been wrong to write the check knowing that there was no money yet to cover it?
1-5 Tage

Seventh-day Adventist faith is something worth saying, doing and being. 28 Stories will help you find and explore these treasures of faith, experiencing and...
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A lifetime of research reveals how adolescents relate to spiritual matters. This book provides insight into our teenagers. You’ll learn about their brand of religion, how they express it, and how to nurture and mold it successfully.
1-5 Tage

The Pavel Goia Story
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As the shouts from above came closer, the bear stopped long enough to raise its head and sniff. It was ten feet from the boat now. Stanley could see its...
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Pointing to a narrow path angling down the side of the bayou, I said, “Let’s go.” I picked up a big stick and used it to beat back the weeds towering on...
1-5 Tage

“Somebody help me!” Erica called out, but this time a wave caught her by surprise, and water rolled over her unmasked face. Sputtering from the salty...
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What if you asked God to find you a telephone—and He sends a hairy baby elephant? Have you ever thought that a friend’s angry words could save a life?...
1-5 Tage

Sometimes things happen that convince you. Somebody’s got your back. You know those close calls that make your heart start racing—or nearly stop....
1-5 Tage

Have you ever wondered if today would be the day that Jesus would come back? Each of these true stories pulled from Guide magazine remind us Jesus is coming...
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"I will give you people exactly five minutes to decide whether or not you will work on Saturday." Within five seconds came their determined...
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"When they got up from their knees they stared at the table that had been bare moments before. It couldn't be! It wasn't possible! There on the table was a...
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Imagine yourself being tucked away for a late-night crocodile snack! How about falling into a bear trap--with the bear still in it? Or better yet you and a...
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